
%0 Conference Proceedings
%4 dpi.inpe.br/sbsr@80/2008/
%2 dpi.inpe.br/sbsr@80/2008/
%@isbn 978-85-17-00044-7
%T Análise dos efeitos do déficit hídrico na resposta temporal do índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI) em diferentes condições climáticas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
%D 2009
%A Campos, Igor Balteiro Pereira de,
%A Paiva, Célia Maria,
%A Oliveira, Luciana Mara Temponi de,
%A França, Gutemberg Borges,
%@affiliation Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
%@affiliation Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
%@affiliation Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística
%@affiliation Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
%@electronicmailaddress igor@lma.ufrj.br
%@electronicmailaddress celia@lma.ufrj.br
%@electronicmailaddress lutemponi@gmail.com
%@electronicmailaddress gutemberg@lma.ufrj.br
%E Epiphanio, José Carlos Neves,
%E Galvão, Lênio Soares,
%B Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 14 (SBSR)
%C Natal
%8 25-30 abr. 2009
%I Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%J São José dos Campos
%P 4671-4677
%S Anais
%1 {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}
%K remote sensing, vegetation index, drought, sensoriamento remoto, índice de vegetação, seca.
%X Recent works report that the NDVI responds with a temporal delay to the rainfall and water deficit. Depending on the rainfall regime, type of vegetation and type of soil, this time response may vary from region to region. In this direction, this study has as objective to identify the different standards of temporal relations between the NDVI and the water deficit in different climatic conditions of the Brazilian territory. For analysis, nine meteorological stations of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) located in the State of the Rio de Janeiro had been chosen. Data obtained from EFAI-NDVI temporal series and the INMET Climatologic Normals had been used to plot the graphs of NDVI seasonal behavior and to elaborate the climatologic water balance, according to the methodology of Thornthwaite and Mather. The results show the existence of a temporal delay from the occurrence of water excess or deficit to a change in NDVI-EFAI for the studied region.
%9 Hidrologia
%@language pt
%3 4671-4677.pdf
